
General Questions

Order once dispatched can not be cancelled for change of mind. If you have received an incorrect order or a faulty product. Please contact us with the details and raise a cancellation request. We will rectify and happily replace or refund.

If you feel that your package was opened/tampered, please don't accept the delivery. Please raise the Refund request on the 'Ticket Panel' in 'My Account' on your dashboard. We will confirm your Refund request (ticket) via email/phone call and may process the refund of the order amount or resend the order as per your wish/convenience.

Please contact our friendly staff to organise a reverse collection of your order, if there is a reason to do so.

We use Australia Post to deliver all our orders.

Delivery timeframes may vary subject to stock availability, delivery location and order quantity, This could range anywhere between 3 days to 2 weeks. Please confirm timeframes for urgent deliveries.

We'll send you an email and SMS when we confirm your order. You will also receive a tracking number to check further updates on your order at Australia Post

We accept all Credit and Debit cards (Visa/Master card/AMEX/JCB) Payment via Bank transfers and Pay ID also available.

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Call us 9 AM to 5 PM

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